August 29, 2019
Written by: Michelle Rich Goode
The slower pace of summertime gives us a chance to enjoy the outdoors with beach days, picnics, and trips to the mountains. It is a chance to rest, relax, and reflect. A time to relish in accomplishments and brainstorm about the future. Research tells us that downtime can get our creative juices flowing and that we should do more of it in order to accomplish our goals. As I have settled into the slower pace at our home in Bedford, I know this to be true. Oftentimes, our brains just need a moment to forget about other distractions and refocus on the task at hand!
Another thing that has helped in my professional and personal life, is learning how I best prioritize. I organize my time with daily lists, but I focus more readily on my “A List” tasks first! Getting the priority projects done takes more energy, and often takes more time thinking about what you will do more than the action of actually doing it. I have often thought when I finally get around to doing a task I dreaded, like filing my taxes or balancing my banking accounts, the task took less time than I thought. Tackling these priority projects is an important part of feeling productive and focuses your mind on the accomplishment, not the dread.
So here’s to finishing the 3rd quarter with a focus on getting our “A List” done and ending 2019 surpassing all of our expectations! Cheers!